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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Feild Day!

Field Day for Kindergarten is on Friday May 17! We will be doing several activities outside that day! I am still looking for a few more parent volunteers to help with this event! If you would like to come and help, let me know ASAP! Also, we usually do a fun water balloon activity to end the day! It cools the kids off and is SO much fun! I will be filling water balloons on Thursday night, but I would appreciate any parents who would like to send a bag or bucket of FILLED water balloons to school with their child on Friday! This way we will have A LOT to play with for extra fun!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Kindergarten Core

Mrs. George’s Class News
May 6-10

Core Curriculum

Word Wall:
*We will practice the sight word “by”.

 We will write the upper and lowercase letters and practice their sounds. Students need to be able to recognize, and write each upper and lowercase letter as well as know each letter sound!

*We will practice calendaring skills, counting to 30 by ones and tens to 100, counting by 5s, counting by 2s, one to one correspondence, graphing, shapes, and patterning.
*We will continue our morning calendar books.
*We will practice counting and writing numbers to 30 with NO reversals!
*We will practice simple addition and subtraction.
*We will tell time to the hour.
*We will work in our math journals.
*We will continue the Harcourt and Fontas and Pinnel literacy programs.
*We will continue the Intensive Phonics Program. Please watch for homework sheets that coordinate with this program! I have also put the link to the Discovery Intensive Phonics computer program on our class blog. You may access this program by clicking on the link, and typing your child’s first name with NO caps in the user name box to work on this program at home! The site is
*We will discuss beginning, middle, and ending of stories.
*We will predict and summarize.
*We will work on sequencing events in a story.
*We will practice asking questions.
*We will work on syllables.
*We will work on segmenting sounds in words. (Beginning, middle, end)
*We will review parts of a sentence. (capitol, spacing, punctuation)
*We will discuss book orientation and fiction and nonfiction.

Books: Nonfiction books about oceans, whales, and weather, An Egg Is Quiet, Plus Sign, Minus Sign, Swimmy, Fish Is Fish, 

*We will continue Writer’s Workshop and continue drawing and writing in our Kindergarten Journals and Scribble Journals with full sentences. (Capitol, spacing, and punctuation)
*We will practice handwriting skills and proper pencil grip.
Class Themes: Seasons (Super Spring), Addition to 5, Subtraction from 5, Oceans, Fish, Whales, weather,
Event Picking
*Reading Folders are Due Monday May 6. Please work on filling out your reading record, so your child can receive two new books. Prizes will be given weekly and monthly for students who complete their reading!
*We have a field trip scheduled for Thursday May 9! We will be going to 5 Buck Pizza to make and eat pizza! Please return the permission slip ASAP and $1 for your child’s pizza! PLEASE be on time to class that day! We will be leaving right at 9:00!
*We will have a Firemen Presentation on May 7! The kids will be learning about fire safety!
*We have scheduled our Kindergarten Program for Tuesday May 14th at 6:30! We will do a performance for the school at 10:00 that day also. Students need to dress up for the performance. Girls In dresses or skirts and boys in collared shirts and colored pants.
*The school Walk A Thon is scheduled for May 16th!
*Our class Field Day will be May 17! Please make sure students wear appropriate clothes to run and play in outside for BOTH the walk a thon and field day! Sunscreen would also be helpful!
*Our class reward movie will be May 23!
*Our final assembly will be May 24 at 9:30! Our class will dismiss that day at 10:55! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT IS GETTING SO CLOSE!
*We are continuing to award students for passing off their alphabet, sight words, and numbers to 30. Students will receive an award for recognizing, writing, and telling the sound for each letter of the alphabet. They will receive an award for reading 25 Kindergarten Sight Words, and an award for writing and recognizing ALL numbers to 30! We call these awards the ABC Club, Sight Word Club, and Number Club!
*Please check the class blog! Go to the school web page and click on faculty. Click on my name below my picture and you will see our blog! You can also go to
*Please work on skill sheet #8 with your child, sign the paper, and return the sheet at the end of the month.
 *Please practice Sight Word Bonus List #4 with your child. When he/she is ready to pass off the list, return it with the signed slip! Students need to be able to read each word fluently to pass off the list.
*We will NOT have centers for the remainder of the year; however parents are welcome to continue volunteering to help with class activities and portfolios! Thank you SO much for making our centers this year a HUGE success! Please make sure you sign in when you volunteer! Thanks!
*We will visit the library on May 6. Please return you library book, so your child can receive a new one!
*P.E. and Music day is every Thursday! Wear appropriate shoes for PE.
Early Out Wed. Times: AM class 8:55-10:55. Please be on time to avoid tardies and classroom distraction.
*Remember that if your child is going to be missing a day of school to call the office and excuse them. In addition, if you are going to be picking up your child early, please make sure you check them out in the office before picking them up from class.
 Apple Of My Eye!
*Birthdays: Greica’s Birthday 5/7
(You may bring a class treat on the day we celebrate your birthday. Please bring treats for 27 students.) Optional

Leader:  None (You may bring a class treat on the Friday that your child is the leader. Please being treats for 27 students.) Optional

Questions or Concerns:
Home Phone: 586-2493
Call or come in if you have any questions
Homework: We will have regular homework on Monday and Wednesday. We also have the testing review packet for homework that can be used during the month of April to review! This packet needs to stay at home for additional practice! Please remember to have your child do the homework neatly in pencil and sign your name under theirs, so I know you have looked at it! Homework needs to be done NEATLY WITH BEST HANDWRITING!